I've been reading David Brooks' musings on distrust in the New York Times today. The withholding of information from politicians is just the latest illustration of a world in ethical decline. We need to build a culture, indeed a civilization, which is based on honest, integral trust and community building. I believe a new generation of leaders will emerge in all sectors: cultural, political, economic, and cosmological. The question is when, and how, will millennial people begin to trust again. It will take time as regaining trust is earned. I'm beginning to work with some of the most powerful healers and social change-makers on this planet, so I feel positive about what can be achieved. The question is, how are we going to be able to build something bigger than ourselves, while the ego is left behind? Collaboration must transpire into the greater collective consciousness. Only then, for first time in millennia, can humankind think as an organic whole.